This opportunity with Macleans was recommended to me by Adam Wiendals, OCADU's marketing manager. I reached out to him to share the Humans of OCADU Facebook series I created. He was so amazed, he hired me to create content for the OCADU Instagram. Scroll down to see more!
OCADU insider's guide published on Macleans

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Humans of OCADU x Instagram
This was a fun and insightful way to end my last year at OCADU! I photographed and interviewed a total of 24 OCADU students, including artists, designers, authors and musicians who shared their aspirations and experiences. It was an open-ended experience where the student can decide where in Toronto they would like to be photographed.

This series was inspired by a Humans of OCADU Facebook page I created in my second year of University. OCADU is a commuter school which makes it harder to have a strong sense of community. Back then I was honestly pretty bad at photography, but I wanted to bridge the gap between art and design, students and professors.

OCADU Campus Scavenger Hunt
Besides social media, I believe in a hands-on, in-person approach to fostering community! When I was in first year, I thought the orientation tours felt like an overwhelming amount of information packed together into a snooze fest. That's why in second year, I created an action-packed campus scavenger hunt to help first years figure out where places are AND make friends at the same time! In the two years I ran it, over 40 teams of 2-6 students signed up!

I collaborated with 8 student clubs and services to make 44 strategic challenges that require teams to go to services on campus and discover where they are through play.

Some challenges include recreating photos or joining an art workshop.
Above Ground sponsored art supplies as prizes for winning teams.
Above Ground sponsored art supplies as prizes for winning teams.

OCADU Founders Photo - 1876

OCADU New Students - 2016

It was a fun and rewarding experience that I couldn't have done without all the friends who volunteered, and collaboration with campus clubs and staff!
I was given the Peer Mentor Award that year (and $500!) but it means more to me that the OCADU Student Union continues the tradition even after I graduated.
I was given the Peer Mentor Award that year (and $500!) but it means more to me that the OCADU Student Union continues the tradition even after I graduated.
During my years at OCADU, I created tons of others outreach games and activities while working on campus (as a study group leader, open mic night host and health and wellness ambassador). I love helping people grow, and if that's what you and your team stands for please drop me a note!